For employers
How do I place a job
To create your own ” employers ” profile go to your dashboard. From there you can select ” place vacancy ”.
Does it cost money for posting a job?
Placing a vacancy costs no money. However, there is a possibility to sponsor the vacancy so that your vacancy is viewed more.
How do I manage job applications?
You can view the applications in your vacancy overview.
In what ways can I post jobs?
For more information you can look at partnership
Where can I find my employer ID
The employer ID can be requested by sending us a mail to
For employees
How do I create a profile
Creating a profile is fairly simple. You do this by clicking the ” register ” button. Then select ” I am an employee ”
I have lost my username or password
You can press the “log in” button and then navigate to “Forgot Password?”
Found an error?
Have you found an error, bug or improvement? Tell us directly! Contact page